Saturday, March 7, 2009

Drill 5: Mar. 10

On April 30, 2009, CCNY's student radio station is hosting its first DJ/B-Boy Battle. Some of the station's DJs as well as b-boys and dance crews with ties to CCNY will be featured in the event. And so far, the station has secured a performance from Status Quo, the last dance crew left to compete against the JabbaWockeez on America's Best Dance Crew. It is quite obvious that I could write commentary on this event. However, I am also capable of critical analysis and interviewing performers, hosts, and the crowd in order to write an objective report of the DJ/B-Boy Battle. Coverage of this event is vital both in measuring its success and in determing whether the battle should become an annual event. Also, the event resonates with a considerable portion of the student population at CCNY; and popular interests deserve to be reported on.

1 comment:

  1. Very good. I also like the time frame on this story. Doing prep work for an event at the end of April should give you plenty of time to prepare, and it will work well with the schedule of our class.

    I'm interested in the potential conflict lurking in this story. Obviously, the competition itself is a conflict, but I am curious about this phrase: "Coverage of this event is vital both in measuring its success and in determining whether the battle should become an annual event." What could keep the DJ/B-Boy Battle from happening more regularly? The City College administration? Student apathy? Finances? This may be a good angle for this story -- "will the DJ/B-Boy Battle survive"-- instead of, or in addition to, the story of the actual competition.
